Saturday, October 3, 2015

Irony - Aren't you funny

I made my way to the airport,
Excited fingers wrapped around my passport.
To fly all the way to South Korea,
Only to walk straight into a faux pas.

The lady at the check in counter,
Although warm and friendly.
Her wrinkled eyes couldn't be clearer,
She wasn't into profanity.

"Where are we travelling today sir?",
The simple answer was suddenly a blur,
I thought aloud before responding,
"Aaaa Seoul", I went, my speech staggering.

I closed me eyes,
Maybe she didn't realise?
But of this I am certain,
My apology worsened the situation,
It helped confirm her suspicion.

Only a few days after,
Hosted by local friends,
I went out for an authentic Korean dinner.

"What will you have", they asked,
Oh how in my pride I basked!
"I am open to anything", I said smugly,
Thus impressing the table muchly.

"How about chicken", they enquired,
"Chicken sounds safe and nice", I replied
'Don't they think I am adventurous?'
Dejected, my ego cried.

The barbecue chicken platter was excellent,
But I couldn't take my eyes away,
From a few pieces that lay astray,
Something about them was different.

"What is this?", I asked, pointing to the pieces I hadn't earlier seen,
"Oh.. This.. Ummm is hen part of chicken"
"Hen part.. What does that mean?"
"You don't want to try it? It is very nice",
He said, challenging my pride, my vice.

I took a bite, and chewed on it with difficulty,
Its identity, it has to be said,
Was still shrouded in mystery.

"I'm surprised you tried", he commented,
"Foreigners usually never go near it!"

"Ummm what is the hen part of chicken again?" I squealed
"Oh not hen.. End part of chicken", he revealed
"End part?", my chewing now slow,
"How to say I don't know", he confessed,
"Aah of course, I got it yes!",
He said as if it were a given,
"It is but the anus of the chicken"

As my chewing came to a stand still,
I gulped it down against my will,
The first thought after made my eyes roll,

In true ironic fashion, I was, in fact, eating an 'Aaa Seoul'.